Blokiran AdSense

Imam blokiran AdSense račun. Dobil sem tole sporočilo:

Kje lahko to "izpodbijam"? Jaz nisem kršil tega...

69 odgovorov

Brezveze google zaščite premagovat ker imajo dejansko zaposlene ljudi, ki se samo s tem ukvarjajo da odkrivajo take primere. Ko si enkrat banan je gotovo, žal


Brezveze google zaščite premagovat ker imajo dejansko zaposlene ljudi, ki se samo s tem ukvarjajo da odkrivajo take primere. Ko si enkrat banan je gotovo, žal

A res? Meni je danes uspelo z enakimi podatki (razen imena) + enak IP - sporočim, če mi bodo spet bannali.


Thank you for making the requested changes to your site in order to comply with our policies. After thoroughly reviewing [url], we have now re-enabled ad serving to this site.

Because ad serving to your site was temporarily disabled, you many notice a delay of up to 48 hours or more before ads begin appearing on your site again. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.


The Google AdSense Team

Se mi zdi, da kr lažje živim. =)




Thank you for making the requested changes to your site in order to comply with our policies. After thoroughly reviewing [url], we have now re-enabled ad serving to this site.

Because ad serving to your site was temporarily disabled, you many notice a delay of up to 48 hours or more before ads begin appearing on your site again. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.


The Google AdSense Team

Se mi zdi, da kr lažje živim. =)

Ne razumem točno. Tebi so bannal account ali stran?

Glavno je da so odobrili nazaj!
Kuj sam sem začutil živčnost v trebuhu ko sem to prebral, verjetno ti je res odleglo :D

Ne razumem točno. Tebi so bannal account ali stran?

Banali so mi stran (eno izmed mnogih) in zapisali, naj v roku 3 dni preverim vse strani in popravim kar ne upošteva TOS.


Ne razumem točno. Tebi so bannal account ali stran?

Banali so mi stran (eno izmed mnogih) in zapisali, naj v roku 3 dni preverim vse strani in popravim kar ne upošteva TOS.

Ful bi ti bil hvaležen če poveš kaj si delal kar jih je zmotlo?

Men so to že 2x poslal, pa sm popravu pa je blo ok... zaenkrat

Oglasi so se prikazovali na vsebini z "mature/adult content", kar je po TOS prepovedano. Ker je podstrani enostavno preveč, da bi ročno pregledal vsako stran, sem na vse strani dodal JS kodo, ki preveri vsebino strani in če stran vsebuje besede viagra, sex, fuck in podobne, se adsense bloki skrijejo. Čeprav se mi zdi, da to ni po TOS (ni dovoljeno "manipulirat" z adsense oglasi), so mi stran vseeno omogočili.

Hello Janez Novak,

While going through our records recently, we found that your AdSense
account has posed a significant risk to our AdWords advertisers. Since
keeping your account in our publisher network may financially damage
our advertisers in the future, we have decided to disable your account.

Please understand that we consider this a necessary step to protect the
interests of both our advertisers and our other AdSense publishers. We
realise the inconvenience that this may cause you and we thank you in
advance for your understanding and cooperation.

If you have any questions about your account or the actions that we
have taken, please do not reply to this email. You can find more
information by visiting

Yours sincerely,

The Google AdSense Team

  • Jaz ogrožam oglaševalce. Super. Že drugi bann!