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Amazon launches Home Services to sell everything from an oil change to piano lessons

It's launching with 700 different services, from the ordinary to the esoteric, everything from installing a garbage disposal to renting you a goat herd that will graze away the unwanted vegetation on your property.

Amazon takes a cut of each service fee, and while they wouldn't share exactly what the split is, language from the beta version of the website shows Amazon taking 20 percent on standard services, 15 percent on custom, and 10 percent on recurring.

6 odgovorov

Hehe, v Sloveniji to vsekakor nebi delovalo, zaradi "pay when the job is done" :D


:) good point ....

Si bom bolj podrobno pogledal, ko bom imel malo več časa. Trenutno se sprašujem, če bi lahko tako tržil tudi spletno aplikacijo, ki izvaja nekakšno "storitev".

Sej je samo za US

tudi Kindle je bil samo za US na začetku ....

Hehe, v Sloveniji to vsekakor nebi delovalo, zaradi "pay when the job is done" :D

bolj zaradi tega ker smo DIY mentalitete. V tujini so pa pripravljeni za vsako storitev placat. Tudi zamenjat pregorele zarnice po hisi ce je se ti ne da, mas pa neki extra cvenka :)