Google in warning glede varnosti spletne strani WTF ?

Google Search Quality

Dear site owner or webmaster of,

We recently discovered that some of your pages can cause users to be
infected with malicious software. We have begun showing a warning page
to users who visit these pages by clicking a search result on
Below are some example URLs on your site which can cause users to be
infected (space inserted to prevent accidental clicking in case your
mail client auto-links URLs):

http://zgodbice .net/
http://www.zgodbice .net/
http://zgodbice .net/214/

Here is a link to a sample warning page:

We strongly encourage you to investigate this immediately to protect
your visitors. Although some sites intentionally distribute malicious
software, in many cases the webmaster is unaware because:

1) the site was compromised
2) the site doesn't monitor for malicious user-contributed content
3) the site displays content from an ad network that has a malicious

If your site was compromised, it's important to not only remove the
malicious (and usually hidden) content from your pages, but to also
identify and fix the vulnerability. We suggest contacting your hosting
provider if you are unsure of how to proceed. StopBadware also has a
resource page for securing compromised sites:

Once you've secured your site, you can request that the warning be
removed by visiting
and requesting a review. If your site is no longer harmful to users,
we will remove the warning.

Google Search Quality Team

Je to kakšna bedarija oz SPAM od raznoraznga folka al kaj se je naselilo v moj wordpress na ? =)

well WAT DA FAK =)

28 odgovorov

saj do tle vse jasno

vendar levo v meniju ni

Request reconsideration

je samo 5 ostalih sekcij

where da fak is this reconsideration

right-hand ne pomeni levo, ja?

lol, vsaj do danes še nikjer ni. :D

huala sem zdej najdu k sm se pomiru =)

=) sem lih novo flaško od laška odpru pa sem bil zgrožen ker je tud okus pira notr drugačen

nej dajo starga kozla nazaj grenkega in močnega okusa zdravega

Ne pa tole unionsko scavnco !

Koliko časa si čakal da so ti odstranili. Na mojem blogu so našli tudi kodo (nekdo je vdrl v galerijo, blog je pa parsal podatke iz galerije), to sem odstranil in tam poslal da še enkrat preverijo. Dva tedna že tema... :( Uporabniki na Firefox3 sploh ne morajo gledati strani ker je blokirano... :(

Moja je bla noter po enem tednu :)

razlog: 'sesula' se mi je baza pa sem rabil nekaj dni da sem jo popravil in ta čas se dal domeno na sedo ker je blo ful traffica in za slučaj če mi ne bi uspelo in potem pejđ nazaj kot prej.

Moj 'mejl' googlu pa je izgledal približno tako kot izgleda pismo fanta, ki ga je punca pustila pa jo že 10 let prosi da naj ga vzame nazaj :D

@sce: v enem dnevu.. na parih straneh.. ampak preko tega sem uredil vse skupaj..

Jah jaz sem "pisal" že preko stopbadware forme, google webmaster forme in resno začenjam razmišlat o emailu :) Sicer se mi zdi pa ti izredno butasto. Naj naredijo da webmasterja najprej opozori in če zadeva ni pošmekana v npr tednu pa blocka.