2016: We Analyzed 1 Million Google Search Results

Brian Dean Feb. 24, 2016

We Analyzed 1 Million Google Search Results. Here’s What We Learned About SEO:

Here is a Summary of Our Key Findings:

  1. Backlinks remain an extremely important Google ranking factor. We found the number of domains linking to a page correlated with rankings more than any other factor.The Number of Referring Domains Has a Very Strong Influence on Rankings. You may have heard that getting backlinks from the same domain has diminishing returns. In other words, it’s better to get 10 links from 10 different sites than 10 links from the same domain. According to our analysis, this appears to be the case. We found that domain diversity has a substantial impact on rankings. Google wants to see several different sites endorsing your page. And the more domains that link to you, the more endorsements you have in the eyes of Google.In fact, the number of unique referring domains was the strongest correlation in our entire study.

Key Takeaway: Getting links from a diverse group of domains is extremely important for SEO.

  1. Our data also shows that a site’s overall link authority (as measured by Ahrefs Domain Rating) strongly correlates with higher rankings.

  2. We discovered that content rated as “topically relevant” (via MarketMuse), significantly outperformed content that didn’t cover a topic in-depth. Therefore, publishing focused content that covers a single topic may help with rankings.

  3. Based on SERP data from SEMRush, we found that longer content tends to rank higher in Google’s search results. The average Google first page result contains 1,890 words.

  4. HTTPS had a reasonably strong correlation with first page Google rankings. This wasn’t surprising as Google has confirmed HTTPS as a ranking signal.

  5. Despite the buzz around Schema, our data shows that use of Schema markup doesn’t correlate with higher rankings.

  6. Content with at least one image significantly outperformed content without any images. However, we didn’t find that adding additional images influenced rankings.

  7. We found a very small relationship between title tag keyword optimization and ranking. This correlation was significantly smaller than we expected, which may reflect Google’s move to Semantic Search.

  8. Site speed matters. Based on data from Alexa, pages on fast-loading sites rank significantly higher than pages on slow-loading sites.

  9. Despite Google’s many Penguin updates, exact match anchor text appears to have a strong influence on rankings.

  10. Using data from SimilarWeb, we found that low bounce rate was associated with higher Google rankings.

We have detailed data and information of our findings below.


12 odgovorov

sicer eno leto nazaj, a nisem nikjer drugje videl potrditve za to


Tole spada pa že bolj med personalizirane zadetke.

(ex) tip od Google je eksplicitno potrdil da CTR v SERPU vpliva na uvrstitev .... Fiver bo zacvetel ;))

to že leta vpliva. Ko je bil squidoo še živ sem naredil z ubotom skripto, ki je iskala proxije in za določen KW poiskala moje squidoo lense in kliknila na njih. Čisto vsi kw-ji so prišli na prvo stran, če ne celo na prve pozicije.


hvala za potrditev krifa, jaz sem dosedaj vseeno malo dvomil v to (preveč easy je to fejkat, to res kot naročen biznis za fiverr) , a zgleda da je res .


Ja res je top. Sam verjetno to vpliva še v povezavi s time on site in bounce rateom. Jaz sem takrat to tako naredil da je bot na random še malo poklikal interne linke, ki jih je našel na squidoo in ostal na strani med 30 do 300s. Dvomim da bodo fiverr gigi tako napredni. Evo pa imate idejo za fiverr gig :D Edino proxye, ki passajo google captcha je vedno težje najt.


Evo, talking about: https://www.fiverr.com/nologin/send-30-daily-google-search-clicks-to-boost-your-seo


Samo za info - CTR boost definitvno deluje, problem je le njegova trajnost, po mojih opazanjih je zdaj maximalno tri dni ...

Seveda, ce imas trajno dober serp CTR potem je lahko trajen tudi boost (recimo, da imas res najboljso stran, ali pa das title kot eden od clanov foruma npr. "optimizacija spletnih strani brezplačno" :D)


Krifa, evo, launchaj produkt v IM sfero, SEO gre za med (in Lamborghinije) :)


Človek je naredil experiment in kliki vlivajo na SERP, vendar (v komentarju pod člankom):

"I'm seeing the same thing - looks like the clicks only gave it a very temporal boost."