Prodam napredni CMS sistem gostovanja slik

Naročnik oglasa

Fizična oseba


Zaradi pomankanja časa in drugih projektov, da se dokončajo prodam omenjeni napredni cms sistem za gostovanje slik. Sistem je powerfull sploh, če se jo lotiš pravilno z oglaševanjem itd storitev pade !

Cena 185€

Lasnosti sistema;

Multi-language - Unlimited languages for your site (English lang pack default)

100% Template driven - Change the look and feel of your site with ease
SEO friendly URLs

AJAX driven - is Ajax driven including drag and drop feature to make photo management fun and easy

Photo Editor - is not just a regular image hosting software. With the integrated photo editor your members now have a reason to host, images on your site with ability to instantly manipulate photos such as adding custom effects, styles and image editing.

Page caching technology - Your site pages load faster

Software Flexibility - Built upon CakePHP framework, providing developers with an extensible architecture for further development of community software

Scalability - offers you the best photo sharing social networking software that will be able to handle the huge traffic and member base for your online community.

Integrated login system with 3rd party providers - Save the hassle for your users with our multi-provider plugin system, allowing them to signin/register on your website with an existing account they have. This make is faster and easier for your members to access your website and increases conversion rate from turning visitors to members.

Member Features
General features

Last added photos, slideshows and comments displayed in homepage
Members can select their language preference
Search members by username, email or location
Search for photos by tags
Email verification system for new members
Password recovery system
Ability to edit profile
Email notification for private messages and friend request received
Allows members to set restrictions for their profiles, photos, slideshows to either private, friend or public.
Profile page for all members that displays member info, photo/slideshow stats, friends, their last added photos and slideshows
new Ability to add notes in photos

Main Page
Member Profile Page
Add Notes in Photos


Flash-based image uploader
Supports multiple image upload
new Rate photos - view user ratings and top ratings
new Embedded codes to insert photo into forums, blogs and websites
Ability to set privacy settings for photos before uploading - public, friends or private
Ability to add/edit/delete photo tags
Display photos uploaded by user and filter by date
Sort photos by creation date, comment date or alphabetically
Member can set a photo as buddy icon
Ability to zoom in photo images
Edit photo's title and description
Ability to manual change privacy settings for each photo, delete photos and rotate photos (clockwise or anti-clockwise)

new Integrated FotoFlex Photo Editor
- Select/Crop photos
- Zoom/Rotate/Flip photos
- Draw/Erase/Fill/Grab Color
- Auto Fix/Smoth/Sharpen/Blemish and Red eye effect
- Image layout support
- More than 18 style effects
- Image distortion functions
- Insert text/speech bubbles
- Other advance features include smart resize, insert face, greeting card, borders and webcam

Multi Image Uploader
Member's Photos
Integrated Photo Editor
Photo Display

AJAX Drag and drop slideshow creation system - Drag photos to slideshow or trash bin
Ability to set privacy settings for slideshows - public, friends or private
Members can edit slideshow title, set background color and select one of the slideshow effects: Polaroid, Stack, Flash Player,
Photo Flip or Carousel

Display slideshows and ability to manage existing image slideshows
Sort slideshows by added date or alphabetical order

Create Slideshows

Flash Player Slideshow

Polaroid Slideshow

Photo Album

AJAX Drag and drop photo album creation system
Ability to set privacy settings for photo album - public, friends or private
Display photo albums and ability to manage existing albums
Sort photo albums by added date or alphabetical order

fully integrated with other sites allowing your users to post their slideshow widgets in their blogs, profiles in all major social networks such as facebook,
bebo, MySpace and many more!
Grow traffic on your site as your users will invite friends from these social networks to join your site

Facebook Integration

Built-in Contacts Importer - Import friends from Gmail, Yahoo, MSN, Lycos and AOL
Referral system to increase photo upload limits whenever a member refers a friend
Show member's friends
Display friend requests


Profile and photo commenting system
Ability to search, add, delete friends
View and share photos and slideshows within a community

Inbox System
Compose message - send messages to friends
Inbox / Outbox folders
Ability to blacklist users
Delete messages


Tag photos on a map
Edit/Delete photos on a map
Each member has a unique map URL for sharing with public users
Photos that are geo-tagged will be shown on a mini-map
Admin Features

Community software also includes an administration panel for site owners to manage their web community.

Manage member photos
Ability to activate/deactivate members
Sort user display by username, email, creation date and photos
Email members
Search members for username, email, account status and rank

Posodobitve so redne, 2 x na leto support neoomejeno doplačal 100$! Hitri respond podpore lahko tudi jaz ponudim podporo ker poznam zadevo v nulo, ki sem jo preučil.
Za vsa vprašanja sem dosegljiv na ZS.

13 odgovorov

A tole je od GejoSoft-a?

Tam je cena na licenco 99 dollars US.

S 185,00 EUR dvomim, da pade.


Idejnik tocno tako s tem da je neomejeno možnost pridobivanja updatov za kar sm odštev dodatnih 100 $ plus podpora 100$ pa mi ni žal, žal mi je samo da stoji zadeva, ker ni časa :S

Na5ja pojdi nazaj v šolo, se lahko skrije proti tej aplikaciji in možnosti, ki jih ponuja vse se da, samo voljo in cilj je treba imeti.


Each purchase comes with free software updates and downloads for 1 year. The cost for annual updates will be $70.

linkr ja, ce bi blo tako bi blo fino kajne... To je cena za eno leto ne, kar sm se po RES dolgih pogovorih uspel dogovorit in zmagat za update brez roka, glede na to, da je blo na začetku precej težav in doplačal se za vse tocno 194 $ ! ! .


linkr ja, ce bi blo tako bi blo fino kajne... To je cena za eno leto ne, kar sm se po RES dolgih pogovorih uspel dogovorit in zmagat za update brez roka, glede na to, da je blo na začetku precej težav in doplačal se za vse tocno 194 $ ! ! .

Če je to tak epic win, zakaj pa potem prodajaš ? A ne bi bilo bolje obdržati.
Saj je sistem powerful sploh kaj je treba dokončati ? Daš gor logo in nardiš zmago pa pade vse po vrsti ?

PS: V času ko prodajaš to na forumu bi že lahko dal gor logo in naredil epic win, saj je sisteam ready to go ?


hanyo mam pre


linkr ja, ce bi blo tako bi blo fino kajne... To je cena za eno leto ne, kar sm se po RES dolgih pogovorih uspel dogovorit in zmagat za update brez roka, glede na to, da je blo na začetku precej težav in doplačal se za vse tocno 194 $ ! ! .

Če je to tak epic win, zakaj pa potem prodajaš ? A ne bi bilo bolje obdržati.
Saj je sistem powerful sploh kaj je treba dokončati ? Daš gor logo in nardiš zmago pa pade vse po vrsti ?

PS: V času ko prodajaš to na forumu bi že lahko dal gor logo in naredil epic win, saj je sisteam ready to go ?

hanyo ko boš imel toliko dela kot ga imam sam na firmi, boš lahko govoril zakaj prodajam kaj tu ni jasno, da ni časa?? Kaj misliš, da logo spremeniš in je to to? Epic fail!


Lol - si pa najdu enga, ki mu je treba razlagat kok je dela na firmi :D


Mislim, da je @MatejR tvoj novi najboljši forumski kolega, glede na njegov podpis :))

Luks123; @Hanyo je za moje pojme podal le fail komentar in če si brez družine lahko narediš uspešen portal in ni dvoma, da pade, če vidiš potencial s tem cmsjem maš več kot dovolj časa, da uspeš!