Linki, PR in število obiskov

Fijuuu! Preberte tole.

In other words, if you get a link from what is currently a PR 3 site that gets huge clickthroughs, that will be more valuable than a link from a current PR 7 site that nobody even looks at.

Essentially, Google is going to consider the strength of your site based not only on the link you get and its link text, but also by the "votes" that link gets based on usage from Internet surfers (and it'll be calculated uniquely to cut down on shenanigans).

Further, the "votes" will be regionally based. So if you get a lot of clickthroughs from surfers in India (but none from surfers here in the U.S.), then your site will appear near the top of searches performed in India, but will be non-existent for searches here in the United States. This move too will cut down on shenanigans (hiring folks to simply find your links and click through them).

What it means is that all those sites relying on rankings by using companies like TextLinkAds are about to get a POUNDING … unless they are using in context links, which are a bit more pricey.

6 odgovorov

po eni strani zelo slabo po drugi pa spet ne.

Jao, ce bi kdo kdaj si vzel cas in prebral kaj vam pisem :)

Ta zadeva je iz enega od googlovih patentov, link nanj sem objavil ze kar nekaj casa nazaj, le prebral ga zgleda ni nihce :)

[0087] Traffic

[0088] According to an implementation consistent with the principles of the invention, information relating to traffic associated with a document over time may be used to generate (or alter) a score associated with the document. For example, search engine 125 may monitor the time-varying characteristics of traffic to, or other "use" of, a document by one or more users. A large reduction in traffic may indicate that a document may be stale (e.g., no longer be updated or may be superseded by another document).

[0089] In one implementation, search engine 125 may compare the average traffic for a document over the last j days (e.g., where j=30) to the average traffic during the month where the document received the most traffic, optionally adjusted for seasonal changes, or during the last k days (e.g., where k=365). Optionally, search engine 125 may identify repeating traffic patterns or perhaps a change in traffic patterns over time. It may be discovered that there are periods when a document is more or less popular (i.e., has more or less traffic), such as during the summer months, on weekends, or during some other seasonal time period. By identifying repeating traffic patterns or changes in traffic patterns, search engine 125 may appropriately adjust its scoring of the document during and outside of these periods.

[0090] Additionally, or alternatively, search engine 125 may monitor time-varying characteristics relating to "advertising traffic" for a particular document. For example, search engine 125 may monitor one or a combination of the following factors: (1) the extent to and rate at which advertisements are presented or updated by a given document over time; (2) the quality of the advertisers (e.g., a document whose advertisements refer/link to documents known to search engine 125 over time to have relatively high traffic and trust, such as, may be given relatively more weight than those documents whose advertisements refer to low traffic/untrustworthy documents, such as a pornographic site); and (3) the extent to which the advertisements generate user traffic to the documents to which they relate (e.g., their click-through rate). Search engine 125 may use these time-varying characteristics relating to advertising traffic to score the document.

[0091] In summary, search engine 125 may generate (or alter) a score associated with a document based, at least in part, on information relating to traffic associated with the document over time.

Patent so vlozili decembra 2003, sprejet je bil pa marca 2005... Nikjer pa ne pise, kdaj bo ta zadeva implementirana, mogoce je ze, mogoce pa se dolgo ne bo...

Tam en dela paniko pa govorio o early 2007, marca... jaz mu res ne verjamem. :/

Bomo vidl :)

Hehe, ja patenti so meni tko zanimivi za brat kot zakoni. Bomo videli, sicer bodo pa tudi dosedanji faktorji ostali notr - PR in anchor text.

Jah, lahko pa tudi pocakas, da nekdo namesto tebe zadeve prebere in ti napise clanek, pa to preberes :) Si sicer za casom, konc koncev si pa isto zvedel, sam nekaj mesecev kasneje :) Obstaja pa tudi moznost, da je tisti, ki je napisal clanek, patent narobe razumel, pa ti potem beres gluposti :) Jaz vedno raje najprej preberem originalen dokument, potem pa razlicne interpretacije ostalih ljudi, ker tudi te ti dajo seveda nov material za razmisljanje...