kraja PR z vpisom v .htaccess

možen razlog ko google preneha indexirati vaše (nove) strani ... ko pride google na vašo stran ga redirect od bad guya pošlje naprej in z njim gre seveda tudi PR .. problem je ker ni nobenih zunanjih znakov ki bi vas opozorili dokler ni prepozno :) ... strani se vsem (razen Googlebota) prikazujejo kot čisto normalno .. zato je koristno občasno pogledati stran kot jo vidi googlebot... zato ob vsaki čistilni akciji preverite tudi htaccess.

3 odgovori

škodljiva koda v htaccessu pa zgleda takole :

RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTPUSERAGENT} (Googlebot|msnbot)
RewriteRule ^ [R=301,L]


Tukaj lahko preverite redirect chain :

Podrobno : : user agent morate nastaviti kot Googlebot

Še en :

"There’s another way to spot this kind of hack with Google Webmaster Tools: When you submit a Sitemap file, Google will show warnings for URLs that redirect. By design, you should be listing the final URL in your Sitemap file, so if the URL is redirecting for our crawlers (as in this case), we’ll show a warning in your account.
A different angle of attack is to redirect only search engine crawlers to a different site. By doing this, they can make it look like the pages of a website moved to a new domain name. In general, when search engines find redirects like that, they will more or less pass the “value” that a page had on to the new URL — that generally also applies to PageRank. So in a sense, they are trying to steal the value that a webmaster has built up over time.
The webmaster generally doesn’t notice this kind of hack because there’s nothing that would alert him to a problem. Only search engine crawlers would get redirected, normal users (including the webmaster) would see the page normally.
The first symptom that you would see is hard to interpret: URLs from the website are just not indexed anymore. URLs not being indexed is something that could happen because of any number of reasons, so how do we find out more?"


Understanding .htaccess attacks – Part 1