CRM in Wordpress


Kaj bi kdo znal tole povezat in sprogramirat, lahko tudi preko crm plugina in za koliko.
To pa potrebuje stranka:

A Wordpress public and private site where all CRM contacts should be able to login on Wordpress. Along with our company site they should be able to create Service Requests that should show up in CRM.


3 odgovori

Odgovori še na ključno vprašanje:
Kater CRM ?


CRM - SugarCRM or other

  1. Single Sign On
    1.1. Contact record created in CRM should be able to logon on CMS
    1.2. Employee record (CRM user) should be able to logon on CMS admin portal using his CRM password and create content pages

  2. Data from CRM exposed on a CMS web site on a Screen Tab. For example View and Create My Service Requests, Download and Upload files

  3. Design document is required for above use cases. Specifically for Use Case # 2 so that more data can be exposed following the same pattern.

Je že Toni L. prijavljen ;)